How To Have A Reset Without Going On Vacation
How To Feel Refreshed And Recharged Without Going On Vacation
I recently returned from a 9-day vacation to Michigan with my boyfriend and his family. Typically, I am not much of a vacation person (they tend to stress me out - being out of my routine, the traveling, being around people 24/7, etc) as I am someone who craves comfort and security and a bit of control.
With my recent vacation, I had to let go of all of that, which felt really challenging. The first 2 days I struggled a lot and didn’t know how I was going to make it til the end. But then slowly, I got used to my new environment, slowly let go, and from then on, I was able to enjoy my vacation a lot more.
When I got back home to Austin, I noticed how refreshed, recharged, and rejuvenated I felt. Yes, my vacation helped with this renewed energy, but I truly believe you can “achieve” the same “results” without actually leaving to go on vacation.
Below are some major elements from my vacation that I believed made the difference.
Sunlight - We were RV camping for most of our vacation, so I spent a lot of time outdoors soaking up the Michigan sun.
Connection - I was surrounded by Nick’s family and even though things were close-quarters for most of the trip, I reminded myself of how amazing it felt to be in the company of others, especially a loved one’s family.
Nature - The trees in Michigan are so beautiful and abundant and it felt so nourishing and healing to be surrounded in nature for most of my vacation.
Movement - Whether that was running up and down the sand dunes, swimming in the lake, or biking around the campsite, it felt so good to move my body.
Getting outside your comfort zone - This is a big one for me. A lot of what limits me in life are my fears, worries and anxieties around certain things (flying/turbulence, getting sick) so when I’m thick in it ie camping for 6 days straight, I’m reminded of how resilient I am, and how brave I am for getting outside of my comfort zone and doing the thing.
Journaling/Reflection - When you go through something challenging, and come out on the other side, you realize how fearless and strong you are. For me this seeps into other areas of my life, and it’s a beautiful spiral effect.
Reading/hobby - Getting lost in a hobby/being a kid does wonders for your mental and emotional health. It felt so nice to unwind with a book at the beach and give my brain a bit of a vacation as well.
Presence and Stillness - On vacation, I was able to take a break from the “chatterbox” that is my brain when I’m home. It was so nice to not think about my everyday worries, struggles, challenges etc and soak in the present moment.
A lot of the things I mentioned above are things you can integrate into your everyday life. Or even better, take a weekend OFF to nourish yourself. Most of the things I mentioned entailed being present, and focusing on the moment vs the things going on in your head. This is where somatic (body) based practices have been so beneficial for me, allowing me to be more present in my body, mind and spirit.
I hope you find some time to nourish yourself before the start of a busy fall season!
Nice to meet you!
Hi there! I’m Lisa and I am an Integrative Somatic Practitioner and Holistic Esthetician. I love supporting people on their healing journeys through somatic coaching/somatic work integrated with holistic somatic facials. I help people to get in a good energetic state and frequency so they can feel inspired, recharged, excited and motivated to take action in their lives and truly start creating and living their dream lives.
I have various programs to support you in your healing journey so that you can get relief from your symptoms, chronic pain, stress, overwhelm, trauma and other mental/emotional/physical issues holding you back from living your fullest life. My innovative approach of integrating somatic work into facial treatments is unique in this industry, and demonstrates my passion and commitment to offering holistic care to my clients.
I believe that you have the power to shift things physiologically (at the body level) to also get relief in the mind, heart, and spirit.